Reconnecting with You: post your 2008 reflections

"I am not afraid...
“I am not afraid”

Click here to visit my up-to-date-blog and keep reading to hear about the past year…

Hello there ~

How the heck are you? What an amazing journey this whole coaching thing is, eh? When I look back on when I first started, I see a woman who thought she knew exactly where she was going and exactly how she would get there.  And then she took all of those precise, planned steps that took her exactly nowhere.

Yeah, Life has a way of letting you know when you need to go a different direction.  It’s called no clients.

But, the cool thing about dead ends is that they always mark the beginning of a new adventure.  Okay, well not always.  But, they can, if you allow them to.

So 2008 was a year of allowing myself to end and begin again about a thousand times.  Yes, I am exaggerating a little bit, but seriously there were times when I wanted to walk away from coaching completely.  But, something kept me holding on – it’s called an ultra-supportive husband who has always seen my potential even when I feel like the biggest loser.  How cool is he?!

Anyhow, I didn’t give up.  I continually sought out new ways to receive support.  I incubated through Ladies Who Launch.  I tried out 5 new churches.  I took the Know Your Purpose teleseminar.  I reconnected with an ICA friend and we have a weekly call to check in.  And probably about half a dozen other things to help me grow both personally and professionally.

It has so paid off!

And here are all the links for you to check out all my projects and/or stay connected:

Cassandra Rae's Facebook profile

My Facebook Profile

Personal Twitter

Simply Fearless Twitter {my personal blog} {my website}

My Private Client Center

And if you can believe this, I’ve got a brand new web community about to launch.  I will definitely post here again when it’s ready because there will be an opportunity for you to publish your articles there!

Please post a comment and let me know how you are doing.  I’d love to hear from you.

Simply Fearless ~

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